Lipoma | What’s the Lipoma?

Lipoma is a benign tumor of adipose (fat) tissue.

It is usually found under the skin or under the muscles on various parts of the body.

It is not uncommon for an adult to have 20 or more lipomas when it is called lipomatosis.

While lipomas are small, they do not cause any problems other than being aesthetically unacceptable. When they reach a diameter larger than 3 cm, they create discomfort, pain and discomfort. Then they need to be surgically removed.

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Image: Lipoma on the neck

Lipoma can be removed surgically only, by use of standard instruments or by of Laser or ultrasonic liposuction unit (Vaser).

Unfortunately, as this is a genetic disorder, that is, mutations in chromosomes that have been proven, there is no way to prevent the appearance of new ones.

Since the mentioned lipomas are benign changes, they are removed for aesthetic reasons or when they cause pain due to the position of the change.

Laser and ultrasound have made a revolutionary breakthrough in the bloodless and painless treatment of lipomatosis.

Lipomatosis | What is Lipomatosis?

Lipomatosis is a genetic tendency to form multiple (20 or more lipomas) benign adipose tissue tumors.

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A condition known as lipomatosis is a tendency to form multiple accumulations of organized adipose tissue (lipoma). Sometimes they can be painful, depending on the location.

They have to be removed by Laser or ultrasound assisted liposuction (UAL and Vaser).

Since the mentioned lipomas are benign tumors, they are removed for aesthetic reasons or when they cause pain, depending on which part of the body they appeared on.

Laser lipomatosis removal

Bloodless, precise laser removal of a large number of lipomas on the whole body in one session (lipomatosis).

1. Image – Smaller removed lipoma on the surgeon’s finger, and visible closed laser incisions below.

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2. Image – Laser incision to access the lipoma by Dr Ciric

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3. Image – Bloodless and painless so-called lipoma birth.

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4. Image – Lipomas after laser removal by Dr Ciric

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5. Image – Removed lipoma tissue on the gauze evaporated by laser beam

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Laser Lipomatosis removal therapy is performed under local anesthesia and appropriate IV sedation.

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In Dr. Ciric clinic, we have thirty years of experience in the use of lasers, so this therapy has become routine in Dr Ciric team.

Ultrasound removal of Lipomas in lipomatosis

During the application of ultrasound, fat cells are decomposed by implosion, which is a condition that the emulsified adipose tissue can be absorbed quickly. In this way, the tendency of the skin to wrinkle is reduced.

A long, thin blunt liposuction cannula is then inserted into the subcutaneous tissue and a fat emulsion is sucked through.

The entrance incisions are very small, about 3 mm, and lipomas and excess subcutaneous adipose tissue are removed at the same time.

You can see the lipoma removed with a laser and their bloodless extraction or melting with ultrasonic energy, in the picture below, where a titanium probe “coldly” melts a piece of adipose tissue and turns it into an emulsion.


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Image: The ultrasound probe emulsifies a piece of bloodless lipoma on the palm of a plastic surgeon.

Watch the video See also

Explanation of the yellow bloodless contents in the bottle: Lipomas and subcutaneous adipose tissue were transformed into a bloodless emulsion by ultrasound (ultrasound probe with a diameter of about 3 mm) and removed by vacuum power into a glass bottle.

The clinic is equipped with latest technology that is applied around the world. Behind the staff of our clinic is over 41 years of international experience in medicine and surgery.

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